Apeco Apeco
Oxyledger is pleased to announce its participation in the 25th Journées d’étude et de perfectionnement en vidéo-chirurgie. This congress is organized by the APECO association. The event takes place at Le Quartz in Brest on November 28 & 29, 2024.
We look forward to welcoming you to our booth to share the latest features of our OxyFacility and OxyWiki solutions.
Our solutions have been developed to support OR managers, OR nurses, surgeons, nurse anesthetists and Doctors. Our software makes it easy to capture information on the surgical context, to facilitate the creation of patient cohorts. Secondly, it associates medical devices with surgery and the patient.
In addition, preference cards and other operating procedures can be created in our Wiki. The created cards facilitate room and cart preparation, as well as information sharing. Our solutions enable us to keep up with constantly evolving surgical practices.